The idea of establishing a new, published quarterly, international, scientific (double blind peer-reviewed) journal — “Student Rights and Legal Education Journal”, which is going to be fully open access and free of charge for both the authors and the readers was invented by Mikołaj Wolanin who in May 2021, as the 18-year-old student from Poland and the president of the Foundation for the Student Rights (pol. Fundacja na rzecz Praw Ucznia)wrote to the professors and doctors and invited them to the Editorial Board of this Journal.


The Foundation was founded in 2019 thanks to the special consent of the family court due to the underage of Mikołaj Wolanin (founder and president of the organisation). The Foundation gives lectures for students, organise the Student Rights Olympiad (with the partners such as the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the Polish Ombudsman, and the President of the Supreme Bar Council), and participate in the academic field of the student rights (e.g., Wolanin M., Prawa ucznia, Oficyna Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków 2020), which are strongly connected to the child and human rights.


The Journal focuses on the topics related to student rights, education related legislation and policy, and legal education. We are interested in widening the discourse around student rights and legal education and publishing research and commentary relating to national, regional, and international perspectives. The Journal invites submissions from a wide range of disciplines including law, education, philosophy, and psychology. The aim and scope of the Journal is to promote the idea of student rights and create a place where everyone can analyse from the different ways of view (legal, pedagogical, philosophical, and psychological one) the school's legal acts and the legal education subject in general.


Frequency: quarterly.

Editorial process: double-blind peer review made by the two reviewers.

Author charges: the Journal does not charge any fee.

Open access policy: all the articles will be fully open accessible.

Initial version: online.

DOI: every article will be assigned with the unique DOI number.


The Journal was registered by the District Court in Poznań on the July 28th 2021. ISSN number will be issued after the first issue of the Journal is published.